

Quick Fin is a Python module providing instant access to live and historical stock market price data, automated Plotly data visualization generators and a data catalog for referencing equities, stock symbols, sector, and industry information.   This site is intended to serve as the primary documentation source for the Quick Fin Python module.   All code examples assume the reader is familiar with the Python programming language.

Data Catalog


Open a terminal and run:

pip install quickfin


After initial installation open a terminal and run the following to get the latest version of Quick Fin:

pip install --upgrade quickfin


Retrieve a data payload containing the most recent stock price data available for the stock symbol passed to the `symbol` parameter. Method will return live market price quotes during trading hours.

from quickfin import *

price_data = PriceData()

'current': {
  'Adj Close': 161.6,
  'Change Amount': 2.42,
  'Change Rate': 0.01,
  'Close': 161.6,
  'Date': '2024-03-28',
  'Day Range': 4.89,
  'High': 165.89,
  'Low': 161.0,
  'Open': 164.02,
  'Volume': 10106900
'info': {
  'industry': 'Software - Application',
  'name': 'Snowflake Inc.',
  'sector': 'Technology',
  'symbol': 'SNOW'